Running time: 20 min.
Original language: Serbian
The first episode of the travelogue series the GROWTH RINGS OF CIVILISATION is dedicated to the most spectacular city of art - FLORENCE. According to UNESCO, about 60% of the world's total cultural heritage is in Italy, of which half is in Florence. It is a city in which Brunelleschi, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Dante, Machiavelli, Gaul and many other artists, scientists, and poets whose glory is of planetary proportions, worked. It is no coincidence that the GROWTH RINGS OF CIVILISATION series opens with an exciting adventure that promises the wonderful art of Renaissance and the dazzling enriching beauty of Florence! The GROWTH RINGS OF CIVILISATION series is designed to entertain you, but also to enrich by educational content representing the most powerful moments that have left an indelible mark in the annals of time.
Author: Dragan Stojmenović